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Monday, September 30, 2013

Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

I was creating a post for today when I came across this print and I just had to share this instead of what I was actually working on. This little print made me so happy because (cue the broken record) I love love love fall so much. I was complaining yesterday that it hasn't been quite cold enough for me to put on my boots yet, but then I was reminded of all the other great aspects of the season and I slowed my metaphorical roll just tad. 

I've been having blogger's block if you will lately, and I think I am starting to find more inspiration so that's a huge plus. In the mean time I'm doing a lot of ideating, pinning on Pinterest, reading other blogs and trying to get my blogging mojo back. You should see some new stuff this week, and by next week I hope to be fully back into the swing of things. Thanks for baring with me!

In the meantime, let's keep in touch! Connect with me through Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr!

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